New Collaboration with Johns Hopkins to Treat Pancreatitis Pain

Mission: Cure has provided initial funding to Johns Hopkins Medicine to launch the new Pancreatitis Pain Research Center. Mission: Cure will work with Johns Hopkins to establish the Pancreatitis Pain Research Program.

The goals for the pancreatitis pain program are:

  • To study and treat specific types of pain associated with chronic pancreatitis
  • To create an evidence-based model to effectively treat pancreatitis pain
  • To host clinical trials that may lead to approved new treatments for pancreatitis-related pain

The Program is located in the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department of Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Patients must be able to visit the clinic in person for an evaluation.

It is led by leading experts in pain, psychiatry, and neurogastroenterology Dr. Traci Speed, Dr. Jay Pasrischa, and Dr. Glenn Treisman.

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