Hereditary Pancreatitis

Rhiannon’s Pancreatitis Story: Diagnosing Hereditary Pancreatitis

Rhiannon Bending, 31, Shares Her Story with Hereditary Pancreatitis Although Rhiannon’s father had chronic pancreatitis, doctors were unaware that hereditary pancreatitis can be passed down through genetics and kept reassuring that her that she will not suffer from the disease. Genetic testing gave her the answers she so badly needed– she has hereditary chronic pancreatitis.

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Genetic Testing for Pancreatitis: What We Know Now

As a researcher and clinician, I’m incredibly excited by advances in our understanding of pancreatitis and their potential to help pancreatitis patients. Pancreatitis patients suffer terrible pain, along with other symptoms, and are often frustrated at the lack of effective treatments. But today, thanks to advances in genomics (the study of genes and their function),

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“Is Pancreatitis in Your Genes?” Webinar Presentation Slides

On November 13th, Mission: Cure hosted an informational webinar for chronic and recurrent acute pancreatitis patients, their families and clinicians on new genetic discoveries related to this disease. Below are the slides for the presentations by Dr. David Whitcomb of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Dr. Mark Haupt of Ariel Precision Medicine, two award-winning

“Is Pancreatitis in Your Genes?” Webinar Presentation Slides Read More »

Is pancreatitis in your genes? Pancreatitis and Genetics: New Science Shows Pancreatitis Likely to be Hereditary In November 2018, Mission: Cure hosted a webinar for chronic and recurrent acute pancreatitis patients on new genetic discoveries related to pancreatitis. It featured presentations by Dr. David Whitcomb of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Dr. Mark Haupt of Ariel Precision

Is pancreatitis in your genes? Read More »

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